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Patricia Leonard

Founding Member
Member since 2002

A native of Boston, PATRICIA LEONARD's early musical training began with piano studies, followed by composition studies at The New England Conservatory. She received a B.Mus. in Composition from The Boston Conservatory. During that time, performances of her compositions included Boston University’s Tsai Performance Center, in which she was commissioned to write an original composition for a theatre company, The Longy School, The New England Conservatory and The Boston Conservatory. In 1998, she came to New York to study composition with Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Del Tredici. Since then, she has been involved with chamber music and theatre groups and has had performances at The Stella Adler Theatre, Merkin Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. Ms. Leonard’s premiere of her piano trio Strangely Close, Yet Distant, inspired by Oskar Kokoschka’s famous painting The Bride of the Wind, was reviewed as “arresting and evocative with innovative harmonies” (New York Concert Review). Often influenced by art and literature, Ms. Leonard enjoys composing programmatic works, exploring the psychological nature of her subjects. Ms. Leonard is a founding member of New York Composers Circle and shared the group’s inaugural concert in May 2003 with guest composer, David Del Tredici. She is also a Board member of The League of Composers/I.S.C.M.

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