Pleskow and Mecionis Performance Announcement
Sunday, December 5, 2021 11:48 AM
Raoul Pleskow and David Mecionis have announced that they will have pieces performed at a concert in Italy honoring Dante, who died 700 years ago this year. The concert will take place in the Castello di Cert in Palazzo Torlonia, a 16th-century Renaissance town house in Rome. The concert will take place on Wednesday, December 8, at 6:30 PM (Rome time/12:30 EST).
The works to be performed are Frammenti for two B-flat clarinets, harp, and piano by Raoul Pleskow, and Table Canon for Two Clarinetists, No. 2 for two B-flat clarinets by David Mecionis. Performing will be Natalia Benedetti and Guido Arbonelli, clarinets, Morgana Ruban, harp, and Vincenzo Defilpo, piano.