Premiere of Debra Kaye's "Sky is Falling"

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 9:36 AM

The premiere performance of Sky is Falling, music by Debra Kaye, text by Roger Aplon
Debra Kaye will be performing piano in this semi-improvised piece, along with writer Roger Aplon reading his text, his response to an Elliot Carter piece.

This concert is part of the monthly concert series Out By Ten. More details:

Out By Ten
This month, Out By Ten concert will feature the stunning Steinway D piano that adorns Spectrum, NYC studio, on Ludlow Street in Manhattan. On Thursday, August 29 from 7-9 PM, 7 wildly imaginative and technically brilliant pianists will take turns expressing themselves on the Steinway piano. Seven savvy artists and one gorgeous Steinway piano will offer a delicious mix of music that is sure to transport you to another world.

WHO: 7 Savvy Pianists

WHERE: Spectrum Studio, NYC
121 Ludlow Street
Second Floor, just North of Delancey Street

WHEN: Thursday, August 29 from 7-9 PM

HOW MUCH: $20 cash only. Reservations not needed.

Complimentary libations will be available.