Max Giteck Duykers: Upcoming Performances

Thursday, September 6, 2012 7:15 AM

Max Duykers has several performances coming up this fall. You can learn more about him at his website:

10/26/12, 3pm, Recital Hall, Indiana State University, Terre Haute
Glass Blue Cleftwill be featured at the ISU’s 46th Annual Festival of Contemporary Music, with guest composer Christopher Theofanidis.

11/7/12 & 11/8/12, Wang Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY.
New Music for Dance - I have been selected as the composer-in-residence for Iron Works on the Edge, a dance and film production company. They have commissioned me for an evening-length concert of new music for Esther Noh on live violin, plus original processed samples of her string quartet, Praxis.

Apricots of Andujar– This is a work in progress chamber opera for tenor, Don Buchla’s Marimba Lumina, and pierrot sextet, commissioned by the Jerome Foundation. The workshop version was premiered by Birds on a Wire at Western Michigan University in March, and we are developing the work for co-premieres in 2013-2014 with Earplay and Fear No Music. You can view some YouTube excerpts of the music-only workshop premiere here:

The True Story of Evangeline– I am in the beginning stages of developing a concert-theater “folk-cantata” based on the story of Emmeline Labiche, immortalized in Henry Longfellow’s poem “Evangeline” - a Nova-Scotian immigrant who traveled the U.S. seeking her expatriated fiancé. The story is deeply ingrained in Southern Culture, and is rich with historical and mythological meaning. More updates on this to come.