Monday, April 19, 2010 7:54 PM

Our APRIL SALON is this Saturday, April 24 at 2:30pm, with special guest Neil Baldwin, author, teacher, and former head of the National Book Awards Botanical Garden. He’ll be speaking to us about a number of topics, including creativity. His full bio and information can be read at

A program for the Salon is included below; note especially an earlier start time if you’d like to attend the Steering Committee Meeting. We’ll meet in the rehearsal studio of Symphony Space, 95th street and Broadway; all are invited!


Our THIRD CONCERT of our 2009-2010 season is almost here! Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 8pm. The full program can be read at the NYCC blog ( by scrolling down to the April 11 entry. We’ll be again at Saint Peters Church at Citigroup Center Lexington & 54th Street; there’s a $20 suggested donation, payable at the door. Our composers and pieces are:

Roger Blanc, Four Vignettes for Solo Clarinet.

Robert S. Cohen, String Quartet # 2 “A Day in the Life”

Hubert Howe, Sextet, for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, & piano

Eugene Marlow, Une Jeune Fille… For violna & cello

Peri Mauer, Morning, Night, & Noon, for 2 clarinets 

Nataliya Medvedovskaya, Fantasy for viola and piano


There are a couple of NYCC related concerts taking place this week—whether by composers or performers— that have already been mentioned in prior In the Loop emails. For instance, JOSEPH PEHRSON, NATALIYA MEDVEDOVSKAYA, TANIA LEON, PAUL MORAVEC, and RICHARD RUSSELL all have events coming up in this week. This seems an opportune time to remind everyone you can always head to to browse through past postings and get details on NYCC member events. Also, feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed!


Flutist MICHAEL LADERMAN will be performing two virtuosic works for coloratura soprano, flute, and piano: “Lo, Here the Gentle Lark” by Sir Henry H. Bishop and the “Bravura Variations on a Theme by Mozart” by Adolph Adam. The concert is this Thursday, April 22 at 8 PM at the Richmond Room at Turtle Bay Music School, 244 E. 52 St. between 2nd and 3rd Avenue. This concert is part of a “cabaret-recital,” featuring soprano Molly Watson and pianist Eugene Rohrer, designed to recreate the style of the salon performances that took place in the 19th century. Michael reports that rehearsals have been going well, and the concert should be a lot of fun!

Admission is $20. If you are free and would like to attend, please reserve a seat by emailing Triple L Productions at or calling (718) 267-0079. Seats are limited.


Lovers of opera, especially contemporary opera, will be interested to know about the New York City Opera’s eleventh annual VOX Contemporary American Opera Lab, featuring ten new works by some of the brightest emerging and established talent in contemporary opera. Over the past ten years, VOX has presented over 100 operas, and 40 of these have gone on to become full productions. This exciting program is free to the public on April 30 – May 1. More info at 212-870-7744 or


Program for the Saturday, April 24, 2010 Salon

Symphony Space Thalia Rehearsal Studio

95th St. and Broadway(Entrance on West 95th street)

Special Thanks are expressed to Robert Cohen for making arrangements for our having this Salon’s guest speaker and to Richard McCandless for coordinating and preparing this program for our Salon. 

1.  Steering Committee Meeting—The NYCC Steering Committee will meet from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. All members are invited to attend, especially any members seriously considering becoming a nominee for Executive Director. 

2.  Discussion of Organizational Matters and Reports—John de Clef Piñeiro, NYCC Executive Director, will bring us up to date on administrative matters starting at 2:30.  (Approx. 30 min.)

3.  Special Presentation—Special guest speaker Neil Baldwin will speak about the creative process. Information about Mr. Baldwin and his work is available in the email distributed to the NYCC membership on April 5 and at

(Approx. 1 hour)

4.  Audition of Members’ Guests’ Works 

Joe Rubenstein — Two Romances for piano, the composer performing. (Approx. 15 min.)

Robert S. Cohen — Three Nights in Sofia for violin and piano, presented as a MIDI version. (Approx. 10 min.)

David Picton — Seascape (With Fugue) for piano, presented as a MIDI version. (Approx. 5 min.)

Gayther Myers — Quintet for Winds (a work in progress) for woodwind quintet presented as a MIDI version.  (Approx. 12 min.)

The remaining time will be devoted to presenting other works by members in attendance.

5.  Conclusion and Refreshments